BSAC Seminar: Empower the Machines: From the Internet of Things to a Web of Systems

May 12, 2015

Florian Michahelles

Head, Web of Things Research Team, Siemens, Berkeley
May 12, 2015 | 12:30 to 01:30 | 540 Cory Hall
Host: John Huggins

Connectivity has allowed the internet to grow from a network of computers to an Internet of Things (IOT). Physical items are no longer isolated units, but participants in a connected world. Also, industry is beginning to recognize the value of connected machines and material in order to (re-)design processes more effectively. The presentation will consider the challenges to be solved in order to bring the IOT to the shop floor. In particular, the talk will examine the approach of applying semantic technologies to embedded systems in order to add machine-readable meaning to domain-specific industry knowledge. In conclusion, the presentation will describe what Siemens has coined “Web of Systems” and list corresponding research questions.

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