Prof. Emeritus Morio Onoe
University of Tokyo
May 23, 2008 | 12:00 to 01:00 | 521 Cory Hall, Hogan Room
Host: Clark Nguyen
Lord Rayleigh studied the first elastic guided wave known as Rayleigh surface wave in 1885 and similar guided waves in a plate known as Rayleigh-Lamb waves in 1888. They were pure mathematical analyses. He noted, however, these waves may play an important role in earthquakes due to its limited divergence in two dimensions. In fact early studies on guided waves were mainly conducted in seismology. A variety of engineering applications have emerged after the World War II. For example: (1) Ultrasonic non-dispersive delay lines for data storage and dispersive delay lines for signal processing. (2) Resonators and filters for frequency control and selection. (3) Non-destructive ultrasonic testing of surface defects and also defects in plates and pipes. (4) Acoustic emission testing of pressure vessels. A historical review will be presented with particular attentions to trapped energy modes of vibration and roles of complex branches of velocity dispersion equations in analyses of vibration and propagation.
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