BSAC Seminar: BSAC IP Seminar for Researchers

February 24, 2009

Michael Cohen

Acting Director, UCB Office of Technology Licensing
February 24, 2009 | 12:00 to 01:00 | 521 Cory Hall, Hogan Room
Host: John Huggins

Michael Cohen runs the UC Berkeley office that is responsible for leveraging the University's intellectual property (IP) in order to help catalyze the commercialization of Berkeley innovations, and promote the funding of campus research. In this role, Michael leads initiatives that include working with researchers and attorneys to patent technology, and collaborating with companies, entrepreneurs and investors to license technology as well as sponsor research. While at UC Berkeley, Michael has worked with over 30 start-ups, and he has spearheaded the licensing of IP in numerous areas including biofuels, photovoltaics, medical devices, wireless sensors, semiconductors, software, nano technology and biomimetic inventions. The BSAC IP seminar will cover disclosing, licensing and commercializing BSAC innovations as well as laws, policies and practices related to patentable inventions and copyrightable software. Half the seminar will be allocated to a Q&A session. NOTE: Michael advises that this talk is specifically targeted to current UC researchers; not appropriate for industry or academic visitors.

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