Dr. SoonGweon Hong
Department of Bioengineering, UC Berkeley
Project Scientist, Luke Lee Group
January 09, 2018 | 12:00 to 01:00 | 490 Cory Hall
Host: Michael Cable
The presentation will focus on physiologically-modeled drug discovery platforms for various human organs. To avoid high costs and health risks caused by unexpected drug failures, there is a critical need for new drug discovery methods. Micro- and nanoscale engineering enabling precise microphysiological regulation is recognized as a potential approach to facilitate new drug discovery with better biological understanding. Two neuropathological models will be presented: an organoid minibrain model in physiological microfluidics and a vertebrate model representing human brain diseases. These models are integrated with unique electrical interfaces for real-time monitoring of brain development and neuropathology. Other human organ models will be presented including liver, heart and pancreas, which allow a precise characterization of drug effects on individual organs. A novel nanofluidic approach capable of assessing molecular accessibility into intracellular space especially for efflux pump-based drug resistant bacteria will conclude the presentation.
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