BSAC is an interdisciplinary engineering research consortium designed to enable commercially relevant, pre-competitive research through collaboration and sustained partnerships between industry and academia.
BSAC is supported and guided by a consortium of industry leaders. With a relatively modest investment, BSAC members gain unique access to cutting-edge interdisciplinary MEMS research and BSAC faculty, students, and postdocs.
BSAC's multi-disciplinary research team includes nearly 100 graduate students and post-doctoral researchers that are led by 10 co-directors from the engineering faculties of electrical, mechanical, and bioengineering at UC Berkeley and UC Davis. BSAC co-directors oversee nearly 100 projects for which prepublication research is reported to BSAC Industrial Members during the semiannual research review.
BSAC Semi-annual Research Review & Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) Meetings give BSAC members the opportunity to preview BSAC research and future technologies.
Coming soon!
Pioneering Accomplishments
Current BSAC Innovation
The BSAC Vision