This page is a placeholder for the project material publication upload URL.
Steps to create a BSAC Project Material page:
#1 Navigate to Dasboard>Content>0_TEMPLATE: Publications - Project Material (Current) & "Clone" the page.
#2 Publication title: Follow this format>> BPN###: Your Project Title
#3 Abstract: [Paste your public abstract text]
#4 Author(s):
- Lead researcher listed first. Name must match the format on the researcher's People page
- List any additional researchers on their own line
#5 Publication Date: >>forward date 2 years from today's date
#6 Document location:select>> Remote: Link to file hosted elsewhere
#7 Remote URL: add>> BPNpub
#8 Publication type: select>> BSAC Project Materials (Current)
#9 Topics: check>> your advisor's name, the research area(s) for this project (uncheck>> Internal & Guides)
#10 Citation: add>> PREPUBLICATION DATA - ©University of California 2020
#11 "Save as draft"
#12 Add project material links; Navigate to "Customize this page" via the "View" tab on your project page (on bottom of the screen)
- Find the "View Project Materials*" widget and click the gear button:
- Scroll down to "Links" and replace the 4 URL nodes with the URLs to your project materials (located in the READ ME document in your project folder)
- Click "Save" in the upper right corner of the widget
- Click "Save" on the black bar at the bottom of your page
#13 Confirm that all your project information is displayed as expected and that links work
#14 Publish by navigating back to the "Edit" tab on your draft page> scroll to the bottom and click "Publish"
#15 Review by confirming that your page is listed in the Projects directory, in your advisor's group and on your People page