
Flexible Supercapacitors Based on Micro/Nanofibers

Caiwei Shen
Liwei Lin
Bryan McCloskey
Van Carey
Flexible energy storage components are indispensable in the field of flexible electronicsSupercapacitors featuring high power density, fast charge/discharge rate, long cycle life, and safe operation are desirable devicesMicro/nanofiberbased electrode materials, fabrication processes, and device configurations are investigated towards flexible supercapacitors applications....

Fluidic Self-Assembly of Microfabricated Parts to Substrates Using Capillary Forces

Uthara Srinivasan
Roger T. Howe
Dorian Liepmann
Susan J. Muller
Jeffery A. Reimer
In this work, we present a fluidic microassembly technique which uses capillary forces to self-assemble microparts onto a substrate. We have demonstrated this technique using microfabricated silicon parts and silicon and quartz substrates....

Fabrication and Characterization of Gecko-inspired Fibrillar Adhesive

Yongkwan Kim
Roya Maboudian
David B. Graves
Ali Javey
Over the last decade, geckos remarkable ability to stick to and climb surfaces found in nature has motivated a wide range of scientific interest in engineering geckomimetic surface for various adhesive and high friction applications. The high adhesion and friction of its pads have been attributed to a complex array of hairy structures, which maximize surface area for van der Waals interaction between the toes and the counter...

Evaporation-Driven Fast Crystallization of 3D Micro- and Nano-particle Assemblies via Micro Mechanical Systems

Sun Choi
Albert P. Pisano
Tarek I. Zohdi
Liwei Lin
Ming C. Wu
Fast crystallization of solid-phase materials in liquid medium is a crucial prerequisite to achieve the aims of a number of applications for micro-, nanomanufacturing, bio-chemical sensing technology and fundamental colloidal scienceCorresponding mechanical systems for those applications are required to accommodate and take advantage of the virtue of multi-phase (liquid, gas, and solid phases) flow phenomenon to accomplish “crystallization...

Effects of Abrupt Changes in Microfluidic Geometry on Complex Biological Fluid Flows

Shelly Gulati
Dorian Liepmann
Susan J. Muller
Andrew J. Szeri
David Saloner
David Trebotich
Direct measurement techniques are employed to quantify the kinematics of λDNA flows in three microfluidic components with abruptly changing geometries. Flow through these geometries subjects the fluid to large spatial gradients in velocity, leading to viscoelastic effects. The effects on DNA transport in microscale flows are significant because flow behavior may be influenced by elasticity of individual molecules, ...

Excimer Laser Annealing of Silicon Germanium for MEMS Applications

Carrie W. Low
Roger T. Howe
Tsu-Jae King
Poly-SiGe is a promising material for modular integration of MEMS with electronics due to its low process thermal budget. Poly-SiGe can be deposited on top of standard CMOS electronics in a LPCVD reactor as a replacement of poly-Si as MEMS structure material. Deposition temperature at 450 °C along with 550 °C rapid thermal annealing can result good electrical and mechanical properties of the SiGe film. SiGe films deposited at lower temperature have degradations in mechanical properties, such as high ...

Electromagnetic Energy Harvester for Sensors on Overhead Power Distribution Lines

Zhiwei Wu
Liwei Lin
Richard M. White
Dennis Lieu

The electric grid began its service over 100 years ago and accumulated many safety concerns regarding its infrastructure and nearby environment. The wireless sensor network has been deployed to monitor the condition of both the grid infrastructure and environment, and non-interrupted power sources with minimal maintenance has been an engineering challenge. Here, design of an inexpensive and durable electromagnetic energy harvester coupled with the magnetic field from the power line conductors for powering the wireless...

Enclosed Microfluidic Platform Realizing Enhanced Stem-cell Survival (EMPRESS)

Yue Zhang
Matthew V. Tirrell
Albert P. Pisano
Tejal A. Desai

Here we present a microfluidic culture platform for enhancing single stem cell survival. Traditional plate culture is inadequate for large scale single cell studies because of (1) less than 40% single stem cell survival leading to (2) possible inaccuracies in the biostatistics in single cell studies from lack of sufficient data. This platform mitigates these issues by doubling overall survival rates as well as increasing the available data points by...

Electrochemical Approaches to Renewable Energy

Peter Lobaccaro
Joel Ager
Roya Maboudian
Alexis Bell
Ali Javey
Renewable energy is becoming an increasingly important component of the world’s energy supply as the threat of global warming continues to rise. There is a need to reduce the cost of this renewable energy and a future challenge to deal with the strain intermittent power sources like renewables place on the power grid. In this dissertation, electrochemistry is harnessed to address possible solutions to both of these issues. First, it is used to develop a low...

Design and Control of Micro-actuators for High Density Disk Drives

Sanjay K. Aggarwal
Roberto Horowitz

A brief discussion of a previously designed parallel plate micro-actuator is provided. Theoretical models for the parallel plate design are then developed to motivate models used in the control design and to illustrate non-linear effects of the parallel plate design. Electrostatic simulations are performed for a...