
Optofluidic Devices for Droplet and Cell Manipulation

Shao Ning Pei
Ming C. Wu
Michel M. Maharbiz
Amy Herr

The field of lab-on-a-chip offers exciting new capabilities for chemical and biological assays, including increased automation, higher throughput, heightened sensitivity of detection, and reduced sample and reagent usage. This area of study has seen remarkable progress in the last decade, with applications ranging from drug development to point-of-care diagnostics. The research presented herein focuses on the development of semiconductor-based optoelectrowetting (OEW) and optoelectronic tweezers (OET) platforms, which can respectively perform operations on droplets and cells/...

Nonlinear Effects in High-Q Disk Resonator Gyroscopes

Sarah Nitzan
David A. Horsley
Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn
Sanjay Joshi
Gyroscopes, which measure rotational rate or angle, are widely used in applications ranging widely from navigation and vehicle stabilization to applications in consumer electronics, such as image stabilization and gaming. Due to their small size, cost, weight, and power consumption, MEMS gyroscopes in particular have expanded the boundaries of gyroscope technology, enabling many of the current applications which would be impossible or prohibitively expensive with macroscale gyroscopes...

A Micromechanical Frequency-Selective Power Amplifier

Wei-Chang Li
Clark T.-C. Nguyen
Elad Alon
Roya Maboudian

This dissertation describes a MEMS-based frequency-selective power amplifier that performs both signal filtering and power amplification, while consuming zero power when there is no input, i.e., zero-quiescent power consumption. The frequency-selective power amplifier employs a micromechanical resonant switch (resoswitch) as a key building block similar to those recently used for zero-quiescent power radio receivers, but capable of handling higher powers. This document details the design, fabrication, and characterization of these higher frequency and higher power micromechanical...

Ultra-Low Energy Photoreceivers for Optical Interconnects

Ryan Going
Ming C. Wu
Eli Yablonovich
Constance Chang-Hasnain
Junqiao Wu

Optical interconnects are increasingly important for our communication and data center systems, and are forecasted to be an essential component of future computers. In order to meet these future demands, optical interconnects must be improved to consume less power than they do today. To do this, both more effcient transmitters and more sensitive receivers must be developed. This work addresses the latter, focusing on device level improvements to tightly couple a low capacitance photodiode with the first...

Microfluidic Circuitry via Additive Manufacturing

Casey Glick
Liwei Lin

Microfluidics, the science and engineering of fluid at small scales, affords numerous benefits for applications in chemistry and biology, including rapid reaction rates, reaction uniformity and precision, and reagent minimization but the technology remains limited by the availability of appropriate control mechanisms and related microfluidic components. Microfluidic devices have traditionally been fabricated using soft-lithography, which is time-consuming, costly, and reliant on extensive facilities. Over the past decade, research has shifted towards developing alternate methods such as...

Silicon Carbide Technologies for Interfacing with the Nervous System

Camilo Diaz-Botia
Michel M. Maharbiz
Philip N. Sabes
Roya Maboudian
Christoph Schreiner

In the past couple of decades we have seen remarkable advances in the integration of biological systems with artificial ones. Our knowledge of both of these worlds has grown exponentially, and in particular our knowledge of the human body. In recent years we have been able to understand and treat diseases we never thought we would, and we have even been able to interface with the body to restore lost functions. Direct interaction with the human brain to read and write information to it has been achieved thanks to the...

Silicon Carbide Micro-Extensometers for Harsh Environments

Robert Azevedo
Albert P. Pisano
Oliver M. O'Reilly
Andrew Neureuther
This dissertation describes the initial development of a microelectromechanical silicon car-bide (SiC) strain sensor with an integrated flexible ceramicencapsulation. Such sensors are well suited for real-time harsh environment structural health monitoring applications. This work covers three major aspects of the sensor development: 1) design of the sense elements, 2) understanding how the sensor substrate transmits the strain to the sense elements, and 3)...

Design and Evaluation of a MEMS Offset Capacitive Comb Strain Sensor

Robert Azevedo
Albert P. Pisano
Oliver M. O’Reilly

An offset, gap-closing capacitive MEMS strain sensor for detecting strain of steel has been designed, fabricated, and tested both in isolation and bonded to steel. This extensometer approach benefits from low sensitivity to thermal noise typical of capacitive sensors. The design utilizes an offset parallel-plate array design so that we can achieve differential sensing in a single device lay...

Formation, Properties, and Applications of Porous Silicon

Rolfe Anderson
Richard S. Muller
Results of four interrelated studies leading to surface micromachining and integrated sensor applications of porous silicon are reported. 1. Aspects of the structural, chemical, and electrical properties of porous silicon are investigated and characterized. Etching,...

Understanding and Engineering Surface and Edge Defects of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

Peida (Peter) Zhao
Ali Javey
Ming C. Wu
Daryl Chrzan
Since the inception of solid state semiconductors and device fabrication techniques, continuous scaling has been implemented as a key driver behind realizing faster electronics while optimizing for power consumption, improving the field in an exponential fashion (i.e. Moore’s Law) and facilitating modern technological advances that otherwise would have been impossible. In recent years, transistor gate length...