
Feasibility, Design, and Optimization of a Torsionally-Actuated Microgimbal Using the Polystrata® Process

Chris McCoy
Albert P. Pisano
Dennis K. Lau

MicroGimbals provide a unique solution to image stabilization system for micro air vehicles (MAVs). The MicroGimbal is a Microelectromechanical System (MEMS) device designed for military officials and doctors who need the ability to control the position, stability and attitude of micro-scale imaging devices in otherwise harsh environments. The MicroGimbal uses electrostatic actuation to achieve controlled angular deflection along two axes. Unlike standard...

High Resolution Additive Patterning of Nanoparticles and Polymers Enabled by Vapor Permeable Polymer Templates

Michael Demko
Alberto P. Pisano
Liwei Lin
Ming C. Wu
The structure and chemistry of nanoparticles and polymers are interesting for applications in electronics and sensors. However, because they are outside of the standard material set typically used for these applications, widespread use of these materials has not yet been realized. This is due in part to the limited ability of traditional manufacturing processes to adapt to these unique materials. As a result, several alternative manufacturing methods have been developed, including nanoimprint lithography,...

Actuated Mobile Sensing in Distributed, Unstructured Environments

Andrew Tinka
Kristofer S.J. Pister

Mobile sensor networks present opportunities for improved in situ sensing in complex hydrodynamic environments such as estuarial deltas. This dissertation considers the design and implementation of the mobile sensor network system that was built as part of the Floating Sensor Network project for use in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in California over the 2007-2012 time period. Individual Lagrangian sensor units collect hydrodynamic state information, which is then transmitted to a centralized server and assimilated to produce a state estimate for the entire hydrodynamic system....

Mobility in Wireless Sensor Networks

Ankur Mehta
Kristofer S.J. Pister
Michel M. Maharbiz
Alexandre Bayen

The combination of mobility with wireless networks greatly expands the application space of both robots and distributed sensor networks; such a pervasive system can enable seamless integration between the digital and physical worlds. However, there are a number of issues in both robotic and wireless sensor network (WSN) fields that demand research, and their integration generates further challenges.

A fundamental open problem in robotic systems is the issue of self-contained localization. Especially difficult when considering small scale flying robots, the ability to determine one'...

Metal-optic and Plasmonic Semiconductor-based Nanolasers

Amit Lakhani
Ming C. Wu
Xiang Zhang
Eli Yablonovitch

Over the past few decades, semiconductor lasers have relentlessly followed the path towards miniaturization. Smaller lasers are more energy efficient, are cheaper to make, and open up new applications in sensing and displays, among many other things. Yet, up until recently, there was a fundamental problem with making lasers smaller: purely semiconductor lasers couldn't be made smaller than the diffraction limit of light.

In recent years, however, metal-based lasers have been demonstrated in the nanoscale that have shattered the diffraction limit. As optical materials, metals can be...

MEMS Lens Scanners for Free-Space Optical Interconnects

Jeffrey Chou
Ming C. Wu
Bernhard E. Boser
Liwei Lin

Optical interconnects are the next evolutionary step for computer server systems, replacing traditional copper interconnects to increase communication bandwidth and reduce overall power consumption. A variety of implementation techniques to bring optics to the rack-to-rack, board-to-board, and chip-to-chip scale are heavily pursued in the research space. In this dissertation we present a micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS) based free-space optical link for board-to-board interconnects.

As with any free-space optical system, alignment is critical for the correction of undesired...

Optical Whispering-Gallery Mode Resonators for Applications in Optical Communication and Frequency Control

Karen Grutter
Ming C. Wu
Clark T.-C. Nguyen
Liwei Lin

High quality factor (Q) optical whispering gallery mode resonators are a key component in many on-chip optical systems, such as delay lines, modulators, and add-drop filters. They are also a convenient, compact structure for studying optomechanical interactions on-chip. In all these applications, optical Q is an important factor for high performance. For optomechanical reference oscillators in particular, high mechanical Q is also necessary. Previously, optical microresonators have been made in a wide variety of materials, but it has proven challenging to demonstrate high optical Q and...

Micromechanical Resonant Switches ("Resoswitches") and Resonant Power Converters

Yang Lin
Clark T.-C. Nguyen
Tsu-Jae King Liu
Liwei Lin

Micromechanical resonant switches (“resoswitches”) that harness the high-Q resonance and nonlinear dynamical properties of micromechanical structures are demonstrated that can achieve higher switching speed, better reliability (even under hot switching), and lower actuation voltage, all by substantial factors, over existing RF MEMS switches. Various mechanical structures (low to high resonance frequencies) with different structural and contact materials (medium to low resistances) are designed and fabricated to verify the advantages predicted by theory. Ample amounts of data were...

Low Noise, Low Power Cavity Optomechanical Oscillators

Alejandro Griñe
Ming C. Wu
Liwei Lin
Constance Chang-Hasnain

Cavity Optomechanical oscillators (OMOs) rely on photon radiation pressure to induce harmonic mechanical motion of a micron-scale light resonator. Unlike most oscillators, optomechanical oscillators require only CW input light without the need for electronic feedback and so hold promise for their novelty. In an optical cavity of sufficient quality factor, the transduction from photons to phonons can be quite efficient as we characterized optomechanical cavities which only required 17 microwatt input optical power to induce mechanical oscillation. The question then remains whether OMOs can...

Applied Estimation of Mobile Environments

Kevin Weekly
Alexandre M. Bayen
Kristofer S.J. Pister
Costas J. Spanos
Steven D. Glaser

For many research problems, controlling and estimating the position of the mobile elements within an environment is desired. Realistic mobile environments are unstructured, but share a set of common features, such as position, speed, and constraints on mobility. To estimate within these real-world environments requires careful selection of the best-suited estimation tools and software and hardware technologies. This dissertation discusses the design and implementation of applied estimation infrastructures which overcome the challenges of real-world deployments.

Estimating the...