BSAC Spring 2015 Research Review Presentations

March 12, 2015

BSAC Tutorials*

Clark T.-C. Nguyen - Tutorial: MEMS-Based Oscillators II (9.9 MB)
Roya Maboudian - Tutorial: A Conceptual Introduction to Stiction (6.45 MB)
Clark T.-C. Nguyen - Tutorial: MEMS-Based Oscillators I (9.9 MB)

Research Review Posters & Plenary*

John Huggins Open Session (7.83 MB)
Plenary 1: Ruonan Liu - Zero Quiescent Power Low Frequency Mechanical FSK Receiver (1.86 MB)
Plenary 2: Soner Sonmezoglu - 3-Axis Lorentz Force Magnetometer Based on a Micromachined Resonator (1.17 MB)
Plenary 3: Anna Harley-Trochimczyk - Microheater-based Platform for Low Power Chemical Sensing(2.29 MB)
Plenary 4: Michael Lorek - Plug-Through Energy Monitor for Wall Outlet Electrical Devices (5.11 MB)
Plenary 5: Dr. Tae Joon Seok - Large Scale MEMS Silicon Photonic Switches (3.52 MB)
Plenary 6: Behnam Behroozpour - Chirped Laser Source for 3D Cameras (1.41 MB)
Plenary 7: Kevin Chen - Growth of Single Crystalline III-V's Directly on Non-Epixtaxial SiO2 Substrates (1.68 MB)
Plenary 8: Casey Glick - 3D Printing for Microfluidics (3.23 MB)
Plenary 9: Konlin Shen - Neural Dust: An Ultrasonic, Low Power Solution for BrainMachine Interfaces (2.26 MB)
Plenary 10: Qiong Pan - Single-cell MicroRNA Quantification for Gene Regulation Heterogeneity Study (2.16 MB)
Plenary 11: Yumeng Liu - A Versatile Gas Sensor with Selectivity using a Single Graphene Transistor (5.53 MB)

*Only registered BSAC Industrial Members may view archived project materials & publications. Contact to request member-only access to archived presentations.